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The Caledonia Rose

This rose has a story. I call it the Caledonia Rose. Seldom did I get to spend “alone” time with my Grandaddy, Dixon Risinger, but one day we got to take a road trip to El Dorado together. He loved driving backroads and looking at old timber and structures covered in vines and overgrowth so […]

Yankee Blooms

My 2024 garden season got off to a busy start! I was the guest speaker for the February meeting of Union County Master Gardeners, in El Dorado, AR.  With no assigned topic, I presented an unexplored subject, but one I’m attempting to do at Richland Creek – the production of hardy annuals for cut flowers. […]

In Bloom

Richland Creek farm is a beautiful setting with lots of colorful plants and animals. Different seasons produce vibrant colors and smells. You can hear the leaves rustling as the breeze blows, the birds sing and the honey bees buzz as they work with us aour farm chores. When the flowers bloom, the whole area is like a picture perfect postcard.